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Sick of Manual Data Entry?

Author: Ruban Rajasooriyar

We’re pretty sure manual data entry isn’t at the top of your ‘fun things to do list’, but it is sometimes part and parcel of many job roles.  It’s time consuming, prone to errors and let’s face it, we’re sure there’s a better use of your time.

At DocTech, we definitely can’t eradicate all of that tedious work (sorry!) but we can certainly help.  A document management system with efficient data capture can reduce some of that manual data entry.  We work with our clients to help ease repetitive work such as:

  • Typing information from an invoice into an excel and/or finance package
  • Sifting through expense receipts, ordering them and then typing them into a spreadsheet– every month!
  • Manually checking reference numbers for duplicates
  • Matching purchase orders, invoices and delivery notes to one another
  • Creating the same project folders for new work over and over again
  • Searching through filing cabinets for the right document

Ensuring your data is accurately captured, and correctly added into your systems right at the beginning is paramount. Incorrect information will only cause problems for your organisation, particularly in the Finance Department if wrong figures are accidentally typed in wrong.  As time goes on, it can become hard to find where the error came from.  This time spent on tracing and rectifying problems it time that should be spent on more productive work. 

Using DocuWare to assist staff with the coding of invoices is a hugely popular feature of DocuWare. GL and Nominal Coding is something we can assist with and is set up on a case by case basis to your existing requirements. We can fully integrate DocuWare with your 3rd party system such as your Finance package, ERP and really any other line of business software. 

You can see a bunch of DocuWare case studies from DocTech where the integration between DocuWare and their 3rd party software is a key driver for the project. 

DocTech can provide both the scanners and the software to ensure the data on paper or email, can be captured as a high quality image and digitally stored.  

How much time are you spending on manual data entry and repetitive tasks?

If any of the above tasks are taking too much time out of your working day, you may becoming demoralised or stressed that you're unable to complete other work. 

We recommend working out the time spent on these tasks each week, and what you're unable to get around to doing because of them.  Do problems or errors creep in, are you not enjoying your job because of the repetitive and laborious work?

Speak with management about your concerns, and then look into how a document management system from DocTech can help.

Contact us now for more information 0161 647 7040