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Paperless Office

Are any of your key business processes still paper heavy?  If they are, you’re competing with businesses that have a paperless office.  Employees in paperless organisations are able to do more with their time, there are less errors and better compliance around document security.

A paperless office is the first step in a digital transformation strategy and refers to the deliberate removal of paper from business processes. The goal to improve efficiency and digitisation is at the core of a paperless office.

What Does It Mean To Go Paperless?

Having a paperless office is not as daunting as it sounds!  Not all paper has to go completely and it definitely doesn't have to disappear all at once.  It's also about employees adapting and changing mindsets from 'how things have always been done' to a new way of  paperless working.

Paper use 1

From Paper To Paperless

Information that started as paper is transformed into electronic form.  Documents are scanned, indexed, and stored securely in a central repository for easy retrieval.

Manual Vs Automated

Processes that were manual such as copy and paste tasks or document approvals are now automated.  The right document management system will integrate with you other applications for streamlined workflows across business functions.

Access Anywhere

You can access electronic documents anytime, anywhere, and from any device.  This is critical if you have multiple offices or employees needing access to documents remotely.

Move On From Paper Processes

The Problems With Paper

Holding important information on paper creates a lack of transparency, processing challenges and opens businesses up to risk.  Loss, duplicates and wasted time cost money which is why so many businesses are now looking to remove paper.  A paperless office becomes a reality with the implementation of dedicated document management software.

These specialist solutions are tailored to your business and provide an alternative to paper-based business processes and document storage. 

Our paperless office software ensures documents and data are available instantly from any location, no rifling through cabinets or colleagues’ desks.

The cost of physical storage, paper and printing are all removed and workspaces decluttered.

When important business documents are stored in one secure digital location, communication is faster, access is easier and information can be seamlessly routed around the business using workflow technology.

There are some shocking facts around office paper waste and it is something that organisations can so easily reduce by reusing paper, no longer printing and automating tasks with paperless office software.

Our work with Mosscare St Vincent's Housing Group meant all information is now captured digitally, removing paper from their processes entirely.

£22,000 Saved With A Paperless System

The Benefits Of A Paperless Office

  • Reduce costs such as printing, ink, paper, storage and postage
  • Remove filing cabinets and free up office space
  • Reduce the environmental impact of using more paper than is needed
  • Clear and clutter free workstations make a better working environment
  • A digital location for business documents allows for automation
  • No more lost, misplaced or damaged documents when stored digitally
  • Access real time information from any location
  • Audit trails, version control and accurate data capture become a possibility

The Cost Burden Of A Paper-Based Office

Gartner estimates that companies spend between 1 to 3% of their revenue on office printing.  That doesn’t even account for the cost of filing, shipping and storing documents— let alone the cost of the actual paper.

Nucleus Research studied the cost benefits of investing in content management and their report reveals key benefits and best practices for small and medium-sized businesses to start saving every penny and win back employees' time.

Paper-Based Processes Impedes Workflows

handing paper_productivity lossA survey by Data Breach Today mentions that the wasted time associated with handling paper leads to a productivity loss of 21.3%.

Many employees struggle to stay on top of daily tasks and workflows because they're inundated with information and hampered by inefficient, paper-based business processes.

Moving paper through your organisation, without first converting it to electronic form, is notoriously slow.  Admin workers waste time capturing, storing and routing documents to others due to manual processes.

These tedious manual processes, in turn, reduce operational efficiency and create a “document disconnect,” which results in delays and errors as documents move between critical business functions such as procurement, accounting, sales and human resources (HR).

The Risks Of Paper-Based Processes

  • There is a cost burden of printing, ink, paper, storage and postage
  • Paper records account for a huge amount of data breaches
  • Printers are insecure by default so open to hacking
  • Paper takes up a lot of space
  • Paper can only be in one place at a time so it is not collaborative
  • Auditing is a headache
  • Data entry is a huge overhead with paper documents

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Perfect Products For Your Business!

Our extensive range of products can help your business on its digital journey.  Suitable for organisations of any size, and as simple or as complex as you need them to be.

Document Management

With DocuWare all your documents are stored and shared digitally.  It’s faster, more transparent, and more efficient than traditional paper-based methods.

Go Paperless

Document Workflow

We create digital workflows to meet an organisation’s bespoke requirements. We can provide an electronic system to track, edit, store and manage all documents associated with any existing or new process.

Digital Workflows

Data Capture

Accurate data capture is vital, and some organisations have very specific needs. Our products help extract data for those with information in unstructured formats.

Get Accurate Data

Desktop Scanning

Our document scanning software gives you full control of the flow of information coming into your business. No more lost documents and no more bottlenecks.

Document Scanners

Delivery Notes

Store and manage delivery notes in one central, electronic location. Easily link delivery notes, purchase orders and invoices.

Link Documents

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