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DocuWare Integrations

Historically, DocuWare was implemented as a standalone system. But for the majority of our newer clients who have increased technical knowledge, they are looking for solutions which enhance their current environment not yet another system to use. 

Many clients used DocuWare to assist the front end data capture and storage of incoming documents such as invoices. The data can be extracted, validated and pushed through to the main system such as the Finance software. 

DocuWare integration with the main systems already in place is now a key requirement and driver for many of our new projects.

Rules integration quote

Document Management Integration Case Studies

DocTech are the UK's most experienced provider of DocuWare. This is demonstrated by the high number of case studies we have which highlight specific integration requirements we have implemented and now support.

DocTech embrace the idea of systems being able to speak to each other and exchange data bidirectionally. We have vast experience in the techniques used to achieve a slick DocuWare integration.

Our technical team have great working knowledge of your core processes such as a thorough understanding of applying DocuWare to the accounts payable process.

The DocTech Team are building and supporting implementations daily with a variety of DocuWare integration requirements. These include  ERP and Finance systems as well as specialised systems such as Rental Management software as highlighted in this case study from Wernick Group. 

We also write our own integrations when required. 

What Is Document Management Integration?

DocuWare integrations testimonialIntegrated software allows applications to work together, offering a seamless solution that helps organisations operate more efficiently.  Integration can bring together various types of software so they ‘talk’ to one another and share information.  In an ideal scenario, data can move between the integrated applications in both directions.

Specifically, document management integration improves the user experience and reduces the time spent searching for documents.  Documents are no longer accessed via separate systems so users can carry out a document search from within their normal business system.  Information is no longer disjointed and easily accessible.

Further than this, when more technical document management integration is in place, data can be automatically captured and used to update other systems.  This means data sets are the same and a single source of truth can be relied upon.

DocTech solutions are routinely used to enhance the functionality of existing business systems by offering the related documents from "within" these other systems.  Our document management software DocuWare, acts as a repository for information used by these systems, handling data capture requirements effortlessly and removing manual data entry. 

A typical example is a finance package that has lines of data but doesn’t hold the actual documents involved in the transaction.  This then sends the user off on a hunt to find the relating documentation.

This type of integrated document management software provides hassle free document searches, bringing results back to users in seconds from the main system they are using.  It can also be used to check and/or update data held in other systems or databases.

Don't have the time to read all this information now?  Download our free white paper! 

Document Management Integration

Why Are DocuWare Integrations Important?

For the solutions we provide, document management integration is key to ensuring your processes are slick enough to meet the demands of the business.  For small organisations, a couple of  core systems may be enough to keep up but as the company grows, it’s likely you’ll acquire extra technology.

With the likely introduction of applications such as SharePoint and Teams, it can become more and more difficult to ensure data is correct.  Having many systems which don’t speak to each other can lead to chaos as users name and save documents differently.

A single source of truth where possible is the best-case scenario and document management integration makes this a reality. 

Real time information

If management need to look in an ever-growing number of places to understand company performance, issues can start to creep in. Which system holds the latest data? Can information be duplicated? Who has ownership? Do you have a single source of truth?

These problems may be exacerbated further when there is no document control and where important information is stored across paper, network folders and different software applications.

Business leaders need real time information at their fingertips which is why integrated software and more specifically document management integration, is so important.  We can also provide integrated dashboards to enhance this even further. 

As of November 2023, Microsoft Teams integration with DocuWare is now a reality, enabling data to seamlessly flow between the two applications.  Documents shared in Teams chats can be indexed and filed straight to DocuWare.

Speak To Us About Document Management Integration

5 Advantages of Document Management Integration

There are a number of advantages to having integrated software rather than standalone systems.  Often the information housed in one is needed in another.  Client information in your CRM system for example will also be needed in your finance package to process orders.  Having data duplicated in multiple places requires more maintenance and usually involves manual data entry.

errors with manual data entry

1. Reduce Manual Data Entry

Employees may currently copy and paste from one system into another, or manually type the same data across multiple applications. Not only is this labour intensive but it is error prone, time consuming and costly. 

Integrated document management software means applications work together so data can be collated, processed and analysed as if it was one. Using data which is captured from the source - an invoice, an electronic form or a POD is best practice, and being able to view this information in one main system is ideal.  We often refer to this as a ‘Single Source of Truth’.

An integrated document management system can also easily manage unstructured data collection from documents such as contacts, emails or handwritten orders.  With inbuilt AI and Optical Character Recognition, useful and relevant data is captured, securely stored and pushed to any integrated application.

2. Increase Communication

Increasing Communication 1Departments working in isolation with no visibility of what others are doing can result in duplicated work or poor customer service. The sales team for example should be aware of any issues with an existing customer before they approach them for an upsell.

Understanding and having the visibility to see what others are working on by having your software integrated means problems can be eradicated before they begin.

3. Reduce Reliance On IT

Old systems that are no longer supported can cause a wealth of problems for IT departments. Access issues, maintenance and lack of integration options can mean IT spend more time on fixing problems than working on new initiatives.

While exporting your business data out of an old system may seem like a daunting task, housing it in secure cloud document management software with integration options means you’re using technology that can be relied upon.

Ensure you choose the right software providers to help and that they have enough experience with document management integration to meet your organisational needs. Having important company information in a document management system means your data is secure with a complex rights structure and access permissions. It is protected against viruses, natural disasters and misuse.

4. Reduce Bottlenecks

A bottleneck in a business processes means there is point where work is getting congested and operations aren't flowing as efficiently as they should.  The bottleneck slows processes down causing delays and potential higher production costs.

In our experience we have found the lack of integrated software can be to blame.

When an organisation has multiple different systems to maintain and update, it's hard to act quickly to any change in circumstance.  It takes longer to find any problems and there is more chance of human error with more systems to maintain. 

Integrated software removes this bottlenecks as all systems are acting like one, with no data silos or unnecessary admin.

5. ROI

If you’re managing multiple systems users will often struggle to find the information they require. The various applications in use will cause disjointed processes making them slow or error prone, wasting valuable time while losing money.DocuWare Integrations_SAP_Sage

Integrated document management software helps to automate processes as information can be pushed seamlessly back and forth between other key business systems such as ERP or finance packages.  This reduces manual data entry and associated errors, freeing up staff time for more meaningful work.

Overheads in the form of printing, paper, lost data and correcting customer order errors can all begin to hinder a company’s profitability and reputation.

Data connectivity across departments provides visibility and transparency which in turn can lead to increased sales.

To know more, you can read the full blog here - The Five Advantages of Integrated Software.

One of the most popular features of a DocuWare Integration is an integrated button which is placed into any other business system creating a link between them.  With a click of a button, users can easily view transactional documents, contracts, invoice payments and delivery details held in the DocuWare.  There is no need to leave the system they are working in to carry out searches to find the supporting documents they need.

Similarly, particular documents in any given process that need to be linked in some way can easily be done with DocuWare.  A feature called 'linked documents' can be used to associate separate customs documents or financial information where the only distingusing factors between them may be the subject line of an email or a reference number.

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DocuWare integrations

Learn More About Integration with DocTech

If you're looking to streamline processes, remove data silos and improve efficiency then integrating document management software with your existing systems is the way to do it.

Our solutions have delivered success to organisations across multiple industries, all with different levels of integration requirements into a variety of existing software systems.  Whether you're a social housing provider or a business in the aftermarket industry, we can help.

Everything You Need To Know About DocuWare Integrations

DocuWare logoDocuWare is a highly secure and scalable document management system, which can also be referred to as enterprise content management, an EDMS or a file management system.  Which ever name is used, they all digitally store business documents in a central location, accessible only to authorised users from anywhere with an internet connection.  It provides a multitude of benefits to departments across the business including finance, HR, sales and compliance.

At DocTech we understand the need to have different software solutions talk to one another, and we know exactly what can be achieved with DocuWare’s powerful integration capabilities.  A DocuWare implementation from DocTech comes with more than 80 years of technical expertise and know how.

The Options With DocuWare Integrations

DocuWare is integrated with more than 500 different applications worldwide, including ERPs, CRMs, Office 365 products, finance systems and HR packages. 

Docuware integrations

DocuWare integrations go far beyond the offering you might look to develop yourselves internally, and you can read an example of this in our blog - Understanding DocuWare Vs SharePoint.

With DocuWare your organisation can process large volumes of information in one central system, with easy access for users based on the rights they have.   Permission can be based on a per user setup or by role, and user permissions can be restricted to your exact requirements.  Approval workflows are utilised with great affect and ensure processes run seamlessly.

DocuWare is regularly updated to improve functionality and enhance usability.  DocuWare cloud customers benefit from automatic updates while on-premise customers will need support from their service provider.  You can read more about the latest DocuWare features in the blog section of our website.

A mobile app enables information to be easily accessed when away from the office, and advanced data capture and storage capabilities means data can be accurately used across a variety of integrated systems.



Due to its web-based development, DocuWare is generally open for every kind of digital infrastructure. The Platform Service is the central gateway and API through which you can access and integrate with DocuWare via programming. 

An API (Application Programming Interface) allows DocuWare to talk with your other applications and communicates what you want so it can understand and fulfil the request. Whether you have internal developers or want to use our in-house development team, the API allows maximum business process automation and integration capabilities.

By integrating DocuWare’s document trays you can scan documents from your existing applications with no programming and process them from DocuWare. DocuWare's Intelligent Indexing is available for automated indexing of these documents to remove manual data entry.

DocuWare can be used to pull data from an external source and go on to populate data in your other systems.

DocuWare Integrations: Any Industry, Any Size

We have integrated DocuWare into businesses ranging in size and industry, with both off the shelf and bespoke software packages.  Whether it's a construction document management system, engineering, retail, a vehicle management system integration or social housing solution you need, we can help.  Bespoke solutions are coded using modern languages and platforms, offering best case future proofing and security.

You can read our blog for further information on DocuWare Integrations, as well as understand more about how our software differs from the various free document management systems available.

Speak To Us About Document Management Integration

DocuWare Integration With SAP

DocuWare can expand your SAP software so that it includes document management and archiving capabilities. SAP provides a standardised interface which DocuWare connects to and can offer a seamless exchange of information.DW and SAP-1

Connect to SAP is available with both DocuWare Cloud and On-Premise installations and the connector is certified by SAP for integrations with SAP NetWeaver.
If your SAP system exports invoices and credit notes as PDFs, you can automatically store these documents in DocuWare. With high levels of security your documents can only be accessed by authorised users and are protected from misuse and natural disasters
For more information about DocuWare and SAP Integrations, read our blog - A Guide To DocuWare And SAP Integrations.

DocuWare Integrations And Smart Connect

Smart Connect is a function within DocuWare that when integrated with your other software, reads the information directly from it.  DocuWare can recall any associated document related to a project, transaction or employee.DocuWare Smart Connect Integrations

Working in your finance software processing a transaction, you can click the embedded Smart Connect button to display the related invoice or purchase order stored in DocuWare.

Separate buttons can also be added to display a delivery note or any other document in your process.

Alternatively for HR managers, when you open an employee record in your HR Management System, a click of the Smart Connect button can instantly show all stored information relating their performance reviews.

A feature of Smart Connect is the ‘Highlight Search’ which can be used when an email is received relating to an invoice query. The invoice number contained in the email can be highlighted and with a keyboard shortcut, the invoice automatically pulled and opened from DocuWare.

Smart Connect comes as a standard with DocuWare Cloud and can be added as an additional module with DocuWare On-Premise.

DocuWare And Sage

DW and SAGE-1

Integrating DocuWare with Sage is a crucial step towards automated invoice processing which removes manual data entry that is not only time consuming but it’s open to human error.

Duplicate entries, accidental mistakes or missing information can all cause huge problems further down the line.

When DocuWare is integrated with your Sage software it removed poor invoice processes.  An invoice enters DocuWare via a scan or  email, the data is then captured, extracted, indexed, stored and pushed into Sage.

This eliminates double entries and with no manual intervention required, staff have extra time to concentrate on more meaningful tasks than data entry.

Read more on the Benefits of DocuWare and Sage Integration.

DocuWare And Quality Management Software

Quality management software helps organisations ensure they continuously produce high quality products alongside high levels of customer service.

It assists employees in managing processes, flags any non-compliance issues and enforces quality standards.

With the numerous quality challenges manufacturers face, manufacturing efficiency plays a huge part in strengthening processes.  By having DocuWare integrated with quality management software, challenges can be mitigate and efficiency improved.  All documents related to quality management processes are stored digitally and securely, and are easily accessible to authorised users.

An integration will support environmental aims, provide document compliance and remove data risks.

If you have a quality management system and want to know more about how document management integration will help, you can read more in our blog - Why Your Business Needs Quality Management Software.

Why Choose DocTech For Your DocuWare Integration?

DocTech are the UK and Ireland's most experienced DocuWare partner with a partnership spanning close to 40 years. DocTech have achieved DocuWare Diamond Club status year on year since it's inception in 2005.

We integrate our solutions into a variety of third-party applications such as Dynamics Nav, Open Accounts, and Power Automate, and work alongside various platforms including ERP, Finance Software, HR Systems, CRMs, Case Management and Housing Management Platforms.  We can also integrate with hardware devices such as document scanners and multifunctional devices.

In 2022, we were awarded 'Top Performing System Integrator' by Kodak Alaris at their annual Partner Summit.  An award recognising the value software integration brings.

DocTech Systems Integrator

Whilst there are common elements of functionality that each customer desires, a lot of document management integration requirements are specific, based on individual business requirements and the software packages involved.

Our technical team will explore integrations with any third-party system in order to bring the maximum improvements to your processes.   

We firmly believe the implementations that provide the best value are those with systems that work together to improve processes and reduce cost.  Your staff can use the same systems they are familiar with but with DocTech solutions ‘sat within them’. 

Lagan Specialist Contracting Group did exactly that when they needed more efficient business processes integrating with their existing Facilities Management System.

The three pillars of our implementation strategy are Integrate, Innovate and Invigorate – integration is a key part of what we do.

If your organisation wants the advantages of integrated document management software to reduce manual data entry and to take back control over  processes then speak to us. We want to help you with the challenges you face and work on a solution together.

Our document management solutions will make a difference.  Book a discovery call with a member of our team and find out how simple it is to start making that difference.

Download our FREE guide to document management integrations.

Document Management Integration

Systems We Have Integrated With

ERP / Finance Systems
  • AS400
  • Access Dimensions
  • Agresso
  • CargoWise
  • Cascade
  • Business Central
  • Compleo
  • Datafile
  • Deltek
  • DeFacto
  • Dynamic GP 10 and above
  • E-Biz
  • Encore
  • Enterprise Costing
  • Epicor ERP
  • Exact
  • eXchequer
  • Great Plains
  • iManage
  • Infor
  • Iris
  • iSAMS
  • JDE
  • Kerridge
  • Lady Lodge
  • Lakeview
  • M1
  • Mardak
  • MCS - RM
  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV/AX
  • Microsoft Dynamics SL, GP & CRM
  • Netsuite
  • Open Accounts
  • Openda QX
  • Opera
  • Oracle
  • Optimiza
  • Origin 2
  • Packaging 3000 / Global 3000
  • Progress Plus
  • Q-Pulse WorkRite
  • Quickbooks
  • SAP Business One & SAP
  • Scala
  • SysPro
  • Sage 50, 50c, 100, 200, 200c, Line 300, X3, 1000
  • Sage Paperless, Intacct
  • Sanderson Aptean Unity
  • Spindle
  • Sun 6.0
  • SunAccounts
  • Tropos
  • Unit 4 Business World
  • XTuple
  • Xero
CRM & Membership
  • Dynamics CRM 2013, 2016
  • HubSpot
  • iMIS
  • SalesForce
  • Sage ACT
  • Suite CRM
Office Products
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Word
Mobile Data Capture & Forms
  • Inkworx
  • Mobeiss
  • Stroma
Insolvency / Case Management Software
  • ALB Case Management
  • Case Manager
  • LEAP
  • Lima
  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV/AX
  • Perito
  • Proclaim
  • SOS Legal
  • Vision Blue - Insolv
Transport / Warehouse Management
  • EBis
  • Ingot Portal
  • NaviTrans
  • QAD
  • Red Ledge
  • TradePeg
  • ManData
Housing, Property & Planning Software
  • Aareon
  • Active H
  • Civica
  • Concept Evolution
  • Flo 10
  • Iplan
  • Omni Ledger
  • Orchard
  • Open Accounts
  • Rubixx Housing
  • Qube
  • DriveWorks
  • Pinnacle
  • Vixen
HR / Workforce Systems
  • Breathe HR
  • Kronus HR
  • Open HR
  • Solar Vista Live
Digital Signature Software
  • DocuSign
  • Validated ID
  • Adobe Sign
Collaboration Tools
  • Documotive
  • DropBox
  • File Stream
  • Google Drive
  • SharePoint
  • MS Teams
  • Natif AI
Facilities Management
  • QFM
  • Concept Evolution
MIS / Quality Management
  • Master Control
  • Tharstern
  • Quartz
Contact us - info@doctech.co.uk or 0161 647 7040
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