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Nine Years In Document Management

Rachel Tilley Author: Rachel Tilley   |    On: Tuesday Nov 29, 2022

November saw a brilliant milestone for one member of the DocTech team as our Account Manager Laura Bulmer celebrates nine years with the company!

In the 3,285 days that Laura has been with us she's seen some big changes both personally and professionally including the growth of the company, negotiating a world wide pandemic, changes in client requirements and the birth of her son!

In nine years she could have walked around the earth twice but who can do that with a baby in tow.....?

Tell Us About YouLR-headshot-300x300

I'm Laura, born and bred in the North West and a proud mum of two!  A lover of wine (all colours) and netball, I play Wing Defence in a Premier Division of a local league.

What Initially Brought You To DocTech?

It was the location initially, DocTech's first offices were in Rossendale which wasn't far from where I lived at the time.  What has kept me here however is that I'm genuinely proud of the work we do for such a broad range of clients.

What Was Your Job Role When You Started Compared To What It Is Now?

I started doing basic sales admin and accounts payable work.  After I'd been here a little while though I became very interested in the services we offered to some well known clients.  I started asking questions and wanted to learn more.  It's safe to say nine years on I'm still learning! 

It's great because there's so much to understand about digital document management and the different ways organisations can use our software to provide real benefits.

What's Changed With Technology Over The Nine Years?

Predominately the Cloud offering.  When I first started at DocTech, companies mainly wanted On-Premise document management solutions where the software is hosted on their servers.  I think people were a bit unsure about using the Cloud in the past but now it's so widely used in our every day lives that they are no longer as apprehensive.

More and more clients and prospects are embracing the Cloud as it offers a web based solution for storing,DocuWare-10-Years-Cloud managing and tracking documents.  It also supports another shift I've seen in working habits which is the move to remove working. 

This was of course in large part due to Covid, but our software was already accommodating businesses prior to the pandemic with employees out on the road and in need of mobile working solutions. 

Are You Seeing Different Types Of Clients And Prospects?

Yes.  We used to service mainly large scale clients but now the software and pricing options are relevant and well received by organisations of any size.

Are There Different Requirements Than There Used To Be?

I used to spend a lot of time educating prospects about what document management is and how it would improve their organisation.  Now, companies are a lot more aware and so come to us with specific expectations such as requiring automated invoice processing or digital signatures. The expectations are higher as clients become more educated on document management.

Has DocTech Grown?

Yes substantially since I started back in 2013 both in terms of staff numbers and clients!


Do You Think Covid Has Had Any Lasting Impacts On The Business / You Personally?

I think because more businesses are seeing the benefits of working remotely, it has pushed some clients into looking at better working practices sooner than they may have done otherwise.  Those that hastily (and understandably) put short terms fixes in place have come to us for a more permanent solution. 

Personally, DocTech were lucky enough to be busy throughout Covid so work wasn’t affected, but home schooling my daughter made my maths a lot better!

Is There Something About DocTech Not Many Others Would Know?

We started as a spin off stationary company!

What's Something About You That Would Surprise Others?

I am an identical twin.

If Someone Had Never Heard Of Document Management Software, How Would You Describe It To Them?

Think about the time spent searching for documents across filing cabinets, your desktop, Dropbox, shared drives etc. and how frustrating that can be.  Wasted time spent on something that should be so easy to do.

Then think about one central, secure and digital repository that brings search results back in seconds.  A system designed especially for your organisation to follow business rules that can be accessed anywhere at any time.  

It removes the risk and inefficiency surrounding the storage and accessibility of important information.

Experienced, honest, trusted

What’s Your Favourite Memory Of Working At DocTech?

As the team has grown I’ve really enjoyed having colleagues who are also friends.  We've attended nights out together, been to the races and even celebrated weddings.

Describe DocTech In Three Words

Experienced, Honest, Trusted.

If our team can help your business grow, reduce paper and be more efficient while remaining in budget, we'd love to chat.

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