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Filing Emails Has Never Been Easier With Digital Document Management

Laura Bulmer Author: Laura Bulmer   |    On: Friday May 26, 2023

In the modern workplace, the majority of documents generated across core business processes arrive and are distributed by email.  As such, efficiently filing emails has never been more important in terms of saving time and money. 

According to Zippia, approximately 347.3 billion emails are sent globally each day.  That's a 4.2% increase from 2022 when 333.2 billion were sent each day.  The number of emails sent per day will likely continue to increase, as projections say up to 376 billion emails will be sent per day in 2025 (a 12.8% increase).

Filing Emails Reduces Risk and Inefficiency

Based on these numbers, it’s no wonder that effective email management and efficiently filing emails are now a key focus for businesses.Email management for productivity 2

With increased pressure to cut costs yet remain compliant, business leaders are looking to minimise inefficiency and risk with their business processes.  Identifying a better way of filing emails presents a great opportunity to tackle both issues.

For businesses, filing emails correctly is as crucial as the business information that sits within them. Think about all the communication, images and data stored in the average email inbox.  Not to mention the attachments such as invoices, purchase orders, contracts, quotes, and documents where key decisions are being confirmed.

A misplaced email containing important information can be disastrous for a business.  Is your company filing emails in a way which protects this intellectual property?  Are you still printing emails and physically storing them, running the risk of loss or damage? Whatever the problem, read on to learn more about aspects of filing emails you should consider for your organisation.

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Filing Emails in Shared Mailboxes – 10 Top Tips

A huge problem with important documents arriving via email and being sent out via email is the dreaded ‘shared mailbox’.

A shared mailbox is accessible by multiple team members and, unlike distribution lists, employees can send emails from the same email address.  This is a blessing in many ways but also a curse in terms of risk. 

It is absolutely imperative that a formal process is established when it comes to filing emails.  These emails contain data which may form contractual agreements or provide evidence for financial transactions.

A shared mailbox is often used by sales, customer support and the accounts payable department but the information within them can be beneficial for any team.

Most departments have some sort of system in place for handling and filing emails but so often things can go wrong.   We have put together these 10 top tips for processing and filing emails in shared mailboxes:

  1. Limit mailboxes to as few people as possible - while they are of course beneficial, the more people with access the more problems there can be.
  2. Have a clearly defined process for filing emails - make sure all staff are aware of this and that they've been involved in implementing the process to begin with.
  3. Document your email filing processes - having it written down makes it easy for new staff to learn as a part of their training.
  4. Create systems of accountability and transparency - document which job roles are responsible for different parts of the process.
  5. Make security a priority - it's no use filing emails in a system where they're still exposed to risk or fraud.  Think about accessibility and user permissions.
  6. Organise emails using labels or flags - efficiently filing emails means logically organising them so others can easily find them.
  7. Use set responses for replies - having the whole team use the same template for replying to emails is much easier and looks more professional.
  8. Delete unwanted emails - keeping them can cause confusion between staff members, clog up inboxes and create potential data management breaches.
  9. Leverage automation - document management software can automatically pick up emails from an inbox and store them securely in a centralised system.
  10. Eliminate forwarding and copying where possible - doing so creates duplication which will lead to errors and unnecessary work.

Filing Emails Is Just Filing Documents

The average employee spends 30-40% of their time looking through email, paper documents, shared hard disks and filing cabinets to find information they need to complete their tasks Source IDCAn email is a document – sometimes it’s the actual email, sometimes it’s the email attachment and often it’s both. When looking at options for filing emails, this needs to be a consideration. 

Will you store the email and the attachments separately or altogether?  Who will file the email and how will other users of the shared mailbox know?

Storing these documents in a dedicated document management system is the best advice on offer as they will be 100% secure. 

Depending on the type of email received, they can be used to kick start workflows, generate tasks and create reminders.  This all works towards optimising processes to work as efficiently and profitably as possible.

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A Document Management System Modernises Filing Emails

Having a formal process for filing emails makes total sense when you consider that almost all externally produced documents are received via email.  Combine these with the documents created and sent between employees and it equates to some of the most valuable data within your business.

Many organisations receive high volumes of emails and struggle to organise them.  Employees work from a shared inbox and have to manually track important documents for review.  Often they spend too much time moving between different business applications causing delays to business processes.


Dedicated email folders can be monitored by our document management software, where an email is received, automatically stored and actioned without the reliance on staff intervention.  This removes the need for drag and drop, scanning and renaming, and frees up employee time.Email management for productivity 3

Better Organisation

Document management software helps with email organisation by putting rules in place, ensuring all staff are filing emails and any other document in the same way.  Financial Services provider Wettone Matthews did just this and benefitted from centralised business data and improved accessibility. 

Visual Indicators 

With a shared inbox receiving multiple emails from clients, knowing which member of staff has seen and actioned emails is difficult.

DocTech’s document management software provides a visual indicator on each email to show users what has been actioned and filed away.  With emails and attachments no longer stuck in someone’s inbox, but stored in a centralised system, the next stage of the business process can begin.  Whether that’s automated invoice processing, employee management or contract management.

Filing emails shouldn't be over looked but nor should it be a time-consuming process.  With important information held across emails and attachments, organisations need to put effective systems in place to ensure no data is lost or held longer than it should be. 

Speak to our team of experienced document management experts.  We'll listen to your challenges and offer the best solutions available to make positive changes across your organisation.

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